Contemporary Capitalism: The structural abolition of community, stability, and belonging
Before the diagnosis starts, I want to make sure all readers understand some terms I will use throughout the piece. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fordism vs. Post-Fordism Throughout this piece I will mention the terms “Fordist” and “post-Fordist” as pre-labels to capitalism. Before the paper continues, I want to explain what these terms necessarily mean, and the difference between the two ways of capitalist production. Fordist capitalism is characterized by classic industrial work. Filled with assembly lines, the production of material goods, and clear work-boss factory hierarchy, Fordist-capitalism is what the average young teenager still thinks of when they hear “work.” A spot on the production line, doing your specific boring job, and being at the will of your factory boss. According to Marxist economist Christian Marazzi, the switch from Fordism to post-Fordism happened on a very specif...